After a successful progressive dinner in 2014, the Hilton Street by Street group (WA) were keen to give it another go. An email message was sent to gather interest, dinner hosts volunteered their homes and people started planning their best party food. With more than 20 adults and 14 kids involved the logistics got a bit tricky but it all came together and was a fabulous success.
With such a big group, it was decided to break into smaller groups for the main meal, so that we could all get to have a better chat with a few people. The evening kicked off at 5.00 pm under a beautiful shady peppermint tree in the front yard of our neighbour hosts. The tree house was a hit with the kids and adults got to have a drink with new and old faces. One couple had lived across the road for 16 years and not met any of the group before!
After an hour we wandered off on foot to our main meal hosts and shared a meal in a more intimate setting. Lovely conversations followed, with kids and adults of all ages, on a relaxed and balmy Perth evening.

All the groups gathered again about an hour later at the top of the hill for our dessert venue. We all enjoyed our host’s panoramic views over Fremantle, happy kids tucked in to homemade ice cream and more champagne flowed!
Lisa sums up her first experience as part of the street by Street community: “My family were lucky enough to move into the neighbourhood just before the progressive dinner and we were delighted to be invited. We went along with our allocated dish and much anticipation and had a lovely evening dining andf meeting a fantastic group of community minded people. Within a short space of time, we have met many of the neighbours that I’m sure we would have taken much longer (if ever!) to meet”
Want to give it a try in your street? Visit the website to download the information sheet: How to run a progressive dinner party and Progressive Dinner Planning template and contact to find out more.